Monday, October 1, 2012


-Warm Up 48
-Ch. 5 Vocabulary
-Ch. 5 Building Vocabulary w/s

**Test tomorrow** The test will cover chapters two and three. Students should review vocabulary from these chapters, ch. two notes from textbook, and ch. 3 notes that I gave them. Students were advised about this test early last week. Test was scheduled for today.

Class Notes for Ch. 3
b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.

The Impact of European contact on Native American cultures

-Impact: Influence; a forceful or dramatic effect

-The primary impact of European contact was the number of deaths of Native Americans due to exposure to European diseases.

-The lasting impact of European contact on Native Americans is that their culture was never able to recover from European explorers and colonization.

-Why: The world of Native Americans changed drastically when Europeans began exploring the Americas. No longer were Native Americans in control of their homeland.


Explorations of Hernando De Soto

-Why is he important: De Soto was the first European in Georgia. He entered Georgia, in 1540, once in south Georgia and again through the Ridge and Valley region.

-De Soto’s Conflicts With Native Americans: De Soto was cruel to Native Americans. De Soto fought a battle with Native Americans where 2,500 – 3,000 people died. De Soto’s cruel treatment of Native Americans caused Native Americans to not trust future European explorers. De Soto’s explorations spread many devastating diseases to Native Americans, such as smallpox and measles.


Spanish Missions along the barrier islands

--The Spanish mission district was known as “Guale.” Guale (pronounced: wall e) was the name of the local Indian tribe who inhabited the coast and barrier islands

1 Main purpose for Spanish Missions: KEEP THE FRENCH OFF THE COAST!!!!!!

                2. Bring Christianity to the Indians

                -missions, or churches, were surrounded by small settlements

                -the Spanish tried to “civilize” the Indians by making them more European

-Menendez de Aviles began a mission on St. Catherine’s Island named “Santa Catalina de Guale.”

                -other missions were located near Valdosta and Statenville


Overall impact of Spanish Missions?

                -Spain controlled much of the Americas by 1700

                                -Spain controlled much of Georgia’s coast for over 100 years

                -Spain became very rich and powerful

                                -this wealth and power made other European countries envious

-leading other European nations (France, England, Portugal) to launch expeditions to the “New World.”

                -The Spanish ownership of Florida motivated King George II to allow Oglethorpe to settle Georgia

c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.


Reasons for French Exploration and Settlement of North America

-Jean Ribault – (1562) – a Huguenot (a French protestant) came to the southeast to find religious freedom. France was officially a Catholic nation. Protestants and Catholics did not get along in France. Protestants had to find a new place to live to escape the persecution of the Catholics.  Ribault explored the barrier islands. Ribault ran low on supplies and had to go home to France.


-Rene de Laudonniere- Explored Florida with hopes of finding religious freedom. Established Fort Caroline, near Jacksonville. Laudonniere’s expedition ran low on supplies and many of the explorers ran off to become pirates. The Spanish later came and destroyed Ft. Caroline.


Reasons for Spanish Exploration and Settlement of North America

-Really this comes down to money and power

-Spanish were looking for new trade routes to Asia when Columbus found the Americas. New trade routes would allow the Spanish to avoid the tolls of the Muslims who controlled the traditional trade routes from Europe to Asia. Not paying the tolls equals more money for Spanish businesses.

-Juan Ponce de Leon was looking for the fountain of youth. He discovered the Gulf Stream.

-De Soto was looking for gold

-Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon – first Spanish settlements along the East coast

-Pedro Menendez de Aviles – sent to Florida to prevent the French from building a fort in Spanish Territory. He built a fort named St. Augustine.


Reasons for English Exploration and Settlement of North America

-Spain and England = NOT Friends

                -Spain was Catholic and England was Protestant

-English defeat of Spanish Armada exposed Spanish weaknesses

Conditions in England

-Overcrowding of English cities – new colonies would ease overcrowding

-Colonies in the New World would 1. Create new markets for English products, and 2. Supply English factories with raw materials

-Mercantilism – The mother country getting rich at the expense of the colonies


-Early English Colonies in the New World

                -Roanoke (1585 – 1590), Jamestown (1607 – Present), Charles Town (Charleston) (1670 – Present)

Plans for a Georgia Colony

-English were concerned about the Spanish in Florida attacking the English colony in Carolina

-Robert Montgomery was granted all the land between the Altamaha and Savannah rivers

-The proposed colony was called the Margravate of Azilia (what is now GA) – called a future Eden

-Azilia never materialized due to the threat of Spanish and Native American attacks

-See Azilia map on p 53

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