Wednesday, September 19, 2012

European Explorer Notes


b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando De Soto.

Impact of European contact with the Indians

-Europeans brought over diseases that the Indians had never been exposed, and had no immunity to

                        -diseases such as smallpox and measles

-Disease, more than anything, devastated the Indian populations

            -Europeans had superior weaponry, armor, and battle techniques

                        -arrows could not puncture the European armor

            -Overall, Indian populations suffered great losses of life due to European diseases and warfare

                        -Indian populations and civilizations would never recover from European contact

Spanish Missions along the barrier islands

     -The Spanish mission district was known as “Guale.” Guale was the name of the local Indian tribe who inhabited the coast and barrier islands

1 Main purpose for Spanish Missions: KEEP THE FRENCH OFF THE COAST!!!!!!

            2. Bring Christianity to the Indians

            -missions, or churches, were surrounded by small settlements

            -the Spanish tried to “civilize” the Indians by making them more European

      -Notable missions

            -Menendez de Aviles began a mission on St. Catherine’s Island named “Santa Catalina de Guale.”

            -other missions were located near Valdosta and Statenville

    -Overall impact of Spanish Missions?

            -Spain controlled much of the Americas by 1700

                        -Spain controlled much of Georgia’s coast for over 100 years

            -Spain became very rich and powerful

                        -this wealth and power made other European countries envious

                                    -leading other European nations (France, England, Portugal) to launch expeditions to the “New World.”

            -The Spanish ownership of Florida motivated King George II to allow Oglethorpe to settle Georgia

-Explorations of Hernando de Soto

            -de Soto was the first European to enter Georgia in 1540

                        -de Soto and his men were looking for gold and other riches

            -traveled through Georgia into South Carolina, then he reentered into the Northwest corner and went into Alabama

            -de Soto and his men spread disease throughout Native American populations

            -de Soto angered Indians throughout the south

                        -de Soto and his men were cruel to the Indians, capturing people, using war dogs

                                    -Native Americans had trouble trusting Europeans from then on

     -Impact of de Soto’s explorations

            -devastated native populations with the spread of disease

            -left a negative impression of Europeans on Native Americans,

                        -Native Americans were resentful and suspicious of other Europeans

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