Monday, September 17, 2012


-Warm Up 24
-Study Guide for test on 9/19/12
-Chapter 3 Vocabulary

-Homework: Students should have the following message in their agenda: "Test Wednesday, I have study materials." The assignment here is for you to sign the agenda acknowledging that you have seen it.

     Students received a study guide today in class. The study guide is NOT the test. The test will cover materials covered in class over the last two weeks. Students have notes from class, charts from class, and other worksheets that capture the information covered in class. The study guide merely helps students focus on a few important topics and serves as a basis for review. Students should expect all material covered in class to appear on the test.

Study Guide:

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

            a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.


1. How would farming affect the lives of a nomadic people?

2. How would the ability to store food change daily life?

3. How did beans and corn allow the Mississippian culture to flourish? Who did the Mississippians get the corn from?

4. How did advancements in agriculture benefit the Mississippian culture?

5. Know how the Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian cultures, lived, what were there primary food sources (how did contact/trade with other civilizations change the foods that they ate/how they lived/how that they hunted), how did what they ate effect how they lived (nomadic, semi-nomadic, stationary), hunting methods/tools, agricultural methods, type of government, housing, and time periods. Which cultures could be described as a civilization, why or why not?

6. Which culture was the first to inhabit Georgia?

7. What does the name “Mississippian” tell you about where this culture originated from? Describe the relationship between where Mississippian cultures lived and what they farmed.

8. What brought an end to the Mississippian culture?

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