Thursday, September 27, 2012


-Warm up 46
-Ch. 3 Notes
-Practice Vocabulary Test

-Warm up 47
-Warm up quiz
-Hernando De Soto video clip
-Vocabulary Review

*Vocabulary test tomorrow over chapters 2 and 3*

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


-Warm Up 44
-Discussion about Spanish Explorers and Spanish Colonization
-Ch. 3 Building Vocabulary worksheet

-Warm Up 45
-Finish/check Ch. 3 Building Vocabulary worksheet
-Ch. 3 Guided Reading

-Warm Up Test Thursday 9/27
-Vocabulary Quiz Friday 9/28
-Ch. 3 Test Monday 10/1

Thursday, September 20, 2012


-Warm up 42

     Chapter 2 test grades are on parent portal. Students from fifth through seventh periods have their chapter two test grades written in their agendas. Please sign the agenda acknowledging that you are aware of your child's grade.

     The eighth grade is the last chance for students to learn who they are as learners before high school begins. Encourage your child to develop study habits. I suggest students study notes/class materials for ten minutes after school and ten minutes before bedtime. This may not sound like much, but it is a start. Students can adjust according to their individual needs. Developing daily study routines will go a long way towards future academic success. Only studying the night before the test is not a good study habit. The ninth grade is a harsh environment for a student to finally learn who
they are as a learner. All students can improve, regardless of their grades.

The following is a quote from the Woodland High School Ninth Grade Academy website:

WHS 9th Grade Academy

The transition from middle school to high school is often quite difficult for ninth graders. They face many challenges socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually, which can leave them feeling overwhelmed and alone. Research has shown that the 9th grade year is the most important year in high school. Successful completion of the 9th grade year leads to a higher likelihood of graduation in four years. (emphasis added)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

European Explorer Notes


b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando De Soto.

Impact of European contact with the Indians

-Europeans brought over diseases that the Indians had never been exposed, and had no immunity to

                        -diseases such as smallpox and measles

-Disease, more than anything, devastated the Indian populations

            -Europeans had superior weaponry, armor, and battle techniques

                        -arrows could not puncture the European armor

            -Overall, Indian populations suffered great losses of life due to European diseases and warfare

                        -Indian populations and civilizations would never recover from European contact

Spanish Missions along the barrier islands

     -The Spanish mission district was known as “Guale.” Guale was the name of the local Indian tribe who inhabited the coast and barrier islands

1 Main purpose for Spanish Missions: KEEP THE FRENCH OFF THE COAST!!!!!!

            2. Bring Christianity to the Indians

            -missions, or churches, were surrounded by small settlements

            -the Spanish tried to “civilize” the Indians by making them more European

      -Notable missions

            -Menendez de Aviles began a mission on St. Catherine’s Island named “Santa Catalina de Guale.”

            -other missions were located near Valdosta and Statenville

    -Overall impact of Spanish Missions?

            -Spain controlled much of the Americas by 1700

                        -Spain controlled much of Georgia’s coast for over 100 years

            -Spain became very rich and powerful

                        -this wealth and power made other European countries envious

                                    -leading other European nations (France, England, Portugal) to launch expeditions to the “New World.”

            -The Spanish ownership of Florida motivated King George II to allow Oglethorpe to settle Georgia

-Explorations of Hernando de Soto

            -de Soto was the first European to enter Georgia in 1540

                        -de Soto and his men were looking for gold and other riches

            -traveled through Georgia into South Carolina, then he reentered into the Northwest corner and went into Alabama

            -de Soto and his men spread disease throughout Native American populations

            -de Soto angered Indians throughout the south

                        -de Soto and his men were cruel to the Indians, capturing people, using war dogs

                                    -Native Americans had trouble trusting Europeans from then on

     -Impact of de Soto’s explorations

            -devastated native populations with the spread of disease

            -left a negative impression of Europeans on Native Americans,

                        -Native Americans were resentful and suspicious of other Europeans


-Chapter 2 Assessment

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012


-Warm Up 24
-Study Guide for test on 9/19/12
-Chapter 3 Vocabulary

-Homework: Students should have the following message in their agenda: "Test Wednesday, I have study materials." The assignment here is for you to sign the agenda acknowledging that you have seen it.

     Students received a study guide today in class. The study guide is NOT the test. The test will cover materials covered in class over the last two weeks. Students have notes from class, charts from class, and other worksheets that capture the information covered in class. The study guide merely helps students focus on a few important topics and serves as a basis for review. Students should expect all material covered in class to appear on the test.

Study Guide:

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

            a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.


1. How would farming affect the lives of a nomadic people?

2. How would the ability to store food change daily life?

3. How did beans and corn allow the Mississippian culture to flourish? Who did the Mississippians get the corn from?

4. How did advancements in agriculture benefit the Mississippian culture?

5. Know how the Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian cultures, lived, what were there primary food sources (how did contact/trade with other civilizations change the foods that they ate/how they lived/how that they hunted), how did what they ate effect how they lived (nomadic, semi-nomadic, stationary), hunting methods/tools, agricultural methods, type of government, housing, and time periods. Which cultures could be described as a civilization, why or why not?

6. Which culture was the first to inhabit Georgia?

7. What does the name “Mississippian” tell you about where this culture originated from? Describe the relationship between where Mississippian cultures lived and what they farmed.

8. What brought an end to the Mississippian culture?

Friday, September 14, 2012


-Warm up 23
- "A Word is a Word" worksheet
- Guided Reading

Thursday, September 13, 2012


-Warm Up 20
-Guided Reading
-Native American Notes

-Warm Up 21
-Guided Reading
-Comparison Chart for prehistoric Georgians

-Warm Up 22
-Guided Reading over Woodland and Mississippian cultures
-Comparison Chart for prehistoric Georgians
-Georgia Stories 2, Segments 1 and 2

Monday, September 10, 2012

Native American Notes

Native American Notes

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.
a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.

Paleo Indians
-10,000-8,000 B.C. (paleolithic period)
-“Paleo” = very old
-Tools, knives, scrapers, and spear points made during this era were all made of stone
o pre-historic cultures are often classified by the materials that they used
§ Paleolithic age = old stone age
-Major technological contribution- the atlatl
o The atlatl allowed hunters to throw spears or darts much more accurately and from greater distances than when thrown by hand.
o How might an invention like this be beneficial to a hunter?
-Paleo Indians were nomadic
-“Why were these people nomadic?
-Paleo Indians hunted large game animals that roamed in herds
- animals such as the bison, mammoths, ground sloths, and mastodons
-one interesting hunting technique was when the Indians would chase large game
animals over cliffs in order to kill them
-Paleo Indians lived in groups of twenty-five to fifty people
-Nomads did not leave behind many artifacts
-Paleo Indian artifacts have been uncovered in the following Georgia locations Savannah River area, in the Ocmulgee River area, and the
Flint River at Albany.

Archaic Indians
-“archaic” = old
-The Archaic period is split into three distinct time spans: early, middle, and late
-Early Archaic Period
-8,000 B.C. – 5,000 B.C.
-Still hunted large game animals
-these animals slowly became extinct because of over hunting or climate change
-Early Archaic Indians began hunting smaller game such as deer, bear, turkey, and rabbit.
-began using smaller spears – Why?
-also began eating reptiles, game birds, and fish
-major technological contributions
-choppers, drills, and chipping tools made from deer antlers – Why deer antlers?
***Economics Alert*** -many stone artifacts found in Georgia are made from rock not often found in Georgia, so the early Archaic Indians must have
engaged in trade with other Indian groups
-early Archaic Indians moved with the season
-during the fall they lived where berries, nuts, and fruits were available
-during the summer they located places that were good for fishing
-Why did the early Archaic Indians move with each new season?

-Middle Archaic Period
-5,000 B.C. – 4,000 B.C.
-Georgia became warm and dry
-water levels along rivers and coastal areas receded
-began to eat shellfish, such as mussels and clams
-Major technological contributions
-the weighted spear- spears were weighted in the middle with polished stones, allowing them to be thrown greater distances
-this made food easier to get, leading the middle Archaic Indians to not have to move around as often as before
-there is also evidence that several small groups came together to form camps

-Late Archaic Period
-4,000 B.C. – 1,000 B.C.
-Major technological contributions
-the grooved axe- a stone axe head on a wooden handle
- the grooved axe was used for clearing trees and brushes around the camp
-horticulture – the science of cultivating plants and trees
-What do the grooved axe and horticulture lead you to believe about the Indians of the late Archaic Period?
-burial grounds, fire hearths, pipes, axes, shell beads, bone pins and needles, and bone hooks
-***Most Significant*** clay pottery- pottery was used for storing, cooking and serving food
-How would pottery, and its ability to store food, possibly lead Indians to change their nomadic lifestyle?
-used a grinding stone to grind nuts into a type of flour
-nutting stone- used to hammer nuts to get the meat and oil from them
-around 2,500 B. C., the climate of Georgia became cooler and wetter, much like it is today
-water filled lakes, rivers, and streams
-these bodies of water provided shellfish (mussels and clams), the main food source for the late Archaic Indians
-it is believed that late Archaic Indians lived in more permanent settlements due to the following artifacts being found at archaeological dig sites
- burial grounds, fire hearths, pipes, axes, shell beads, bone pins and needles, and bone hooks

Woodland Indians
-1,000 B.C-1,000 A.D.
-first Indians to band together and form tribes
-major technological contributions-
-these tribes lived in villages and built huts and houses
-used trees and bark to build homes- they stuck trees into the ground, bent them forward at the top and tied them together
-sticks are then woven in and out of the trees to form walls
-often covered their huts with bark or cane mats
-holes were left in the tops of their homes to allow smoke to escape
-slept on fiber mats
-bow and arrow
-arrow points were made out of stone, shark teeth, or deer antlers
-learned to make pottery last longer
-found clay along river banks and mixed it with sand
-rolled the mixture into strips and laid them on top of each other into the shape that they wanted
-they made the clay smooth with rocks and water
-after the pottery dried in the sun, it was baked in a high temperature fire until it was hard enough to cook
-the bow and arrow made hunting easier
-fishing, hunting, and gathering nuts and berries remained important ways of getting food
-also GREW squash, wild greens, and sunflowers
-elaborate religious ceremonies were introduced during this time
-cone-shaped burial mounds were built by the Woodland Indians

Mississippian Indians – a.k.a. “The Temple Mound” period
-700 A.D. – to European contact
-highest prehistoric civilization in Georgia
-the name “Mississippian” comes from the first artifacts of this era being excavated along the Mississippi river
-lived in villages, farmed, and were very religious
-grew most of their food
-maize (corn), beans, pumpkins, and squash
-planted tobacco for use in ceremonies
-Major technological contributions
-used crop rotation- to preserve soil fertility
-used bone hoes and digging sticks
-began to dress and fix their hair differently
-tattooed their bodies
-villages grew to include several thousand families
-built centers for religious ceremonies
-also served as a home for the priest-chief – the head of the village
-villages were protected by moats and palisades (wooden fences)
-guard towers were located one-hundred feet apart
-the Mississippian culture began to disappear around 1600 A.D.
-no one knows why
-migration and disease are possibilities


-Warm up 18
-Indian Food Source Discussion
-Indian Notes

Friday, September 7, 2012


-Warm up 17
-Word Wall Quiz 2
-SS8H1 Notes - Indians

Thursday, September 6, 2012


-Warm up 16
-Indian Introduction Questions and discussion

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


-Warm up 15
- Finish ch. 2 vocabulary
-Indian Activity - Hypothetical situations about food in modern life

Tuesday, September 4, 2012