Thursday, September 15, 2011

Study Guide For Test 1 On Friday the 16th

The following is a “study guide.” This is not the test. Things will be on the study guide that are not on the test, and things will be on the test that are not on the study guide. The best study guide is the notes that you took in class, and have been studying each day. You have the standards that you are expected to master in your binders. Any question related to those standards should be expected to be on the test.

SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.

a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and Mississippian) prior to European contact.

  1. Know the time periods that each one of these cultures existed.
  2. Know all of the details on your chart, the one you have been working on after note taking.
  3.  What was the main factor affecting the lives of all Indian groups above?
  4. How did the factor from #3 affect lifestyle, housing, tools, weapons, etc.
  5. Know all chapter 2 vocabulary.

SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.

a. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemispheres.

1. Given any map, locate Georgia.
2. Know the definitions of, and how to use, all geography terms from your notes, such as latitude, longitude, and prime meridian.

b. Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain.

1. Know the five regions of Georgia.
2. Know the characteristics of each region.
3. Be able to locate each region on a map.
4. Know all chapter 1 vocabulary.

c. Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; include the Fall Line, Okefenokee Swamp, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers, and barrier islands.

1. Be able to locate each of these physical features on a map.
2. Know how each region and physical feature contributes to the state.

d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development.

  1. Be able to define both and know the differences.

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