Thursday, August 4, 2011


-Review of procedures and rules
-Finished covering the syllabus
-Syllabus must be signed by student and parent(s), and is due on Friday 8/5
-Students received "Standards Checklist" - the checklist will be used throughout the year
     -The "Standards Checklist can be used to see what is being covered in class and what will be on tests/study guides
 Grade Eight
Historical Understandings
__SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in Georgia.
__a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (_Paleo, _Archaic, _Woodland, and _Mississippian) prior to European contact.
__b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish missions along the barrier islands, and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.
__c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the __French, __Spanish, and __British in the southeastern area.

__SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
__a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe__, the Charter of 1732__, reasons for settlement (charity, economics, and defense)__, Tomochichi__, Mary Musgrove__, and the city of Savannah__.
__b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history__, emphasizing the role of the Salzburgers__, Highland Scots__, malcontents__, and the Spanish threat from Florida__.
__c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership__, slavery__, government__, and the impact of the royal governors__.

__SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution.
__a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War)__, Proclamation of 1763__, Stamp Act__, Intolerable Acts__, and the Declaration of Independence__.
__b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War__; include Loyalists__, patriots__, Elijah Clarke__, Austin Dabney__, Nancy Hart__, Button Gwinnett__, Lyman Hall__, George Walton__, Battle of Kettle Creek__, and siege of Savannah__.

__SS8H4 The student will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of
the United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
__a. Analyze the strengths__ and weaknesses__ of both the Georgia Constitution of 1777__ and the Articles of Confederation__ and explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to a need to revise the Articles__.
__b. Describe the role of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention of 1787__; include the role of Abraham Baldwin__ and William Few__, and reasons why Georgia ratified the new constitution__.

__ SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
__a. Explain the establishment of the University of Georgia__, Louisville__, and the spread of Baptist__ and Methodist__ churches.
__b. Evaluate the impact of land policies pursued by Georgia__; include the headright system__, land lotteries__, and the Yazoo land fraud__.
__c. Explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin__ and railroads__, had an impact on Georgia’s growth__.
__d. Analyze the events that led to the removal of Creeks and Cherokees__; include the roles of Alexander McGillivray__, William McIntosh__, Sequoyah__, John Ross__, Dahlonega Gold Rush__, Worcester v. Georgia__, Andrew Jackson__, John Marshall__, and the Trail of Tears__.

__SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Georgia.
__a. Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War__; include slavery__, states’ rights__, nullification__, Missouri Compromise__, Compromise of 1850__ and the Georgia Platform__, Kansas-Nebraska Act__, Dred Scott case__, election of 1860__, the debate over secession in Georgia__, and the role of Alexander Stephens__.
__b. State the importance of key events of the Civil War__; include Antietam__, the Emancipation Proclamation__, Gettysburg__, Chickamauga__, the Union blockade of Georgia’s coast__, Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign__, Sherman’s March to the Sea__, and Andersonville__.
__c. Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia and other southern states, emphasizing Freedmen’s Bureau__; sharecropping__ and tenant farming__; Reconstruction plans__; 13th__, 14th__, and 15th__ amendments to the constitution; Henry McNeal Turner__ and black legislators__; and the Ku Klux Klan__.

__SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.
__a. Evaluate the impact the Bourbon Triumvirate__, Henry Grady__, International Cotton Exposition__, Tom Watson__ and the Populists__, Rebecca Latimer Felton__, the 1906 Atlanta Riot__, the Leo Frank Case__, and the county unit system__ had on Georgia during this period.
__b. Analyze how rights were denied to African-Americans through Jim Crow laws__, Plessy v. Ferguson__, disenfranchisement__, and racial violence__.
__c. Explain the roles of Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. DuBois__, John and Lugenia Burns Hope__, and Alonzo Herndon__.
__d. Explain reasons for World War I__ and describe Georgia’s contributions__.

__SS8H8 The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and their impact on Georgia.
__a. Describe the impact of the boll weevil and drought on Georgia.
__. Explain economic factors that resulted in the Great Depression.
__c. Discuss the impact of the political career of Eugene Talmadge.
__d. Discuss the effect of the New Deal in terms of the impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps__, Agricultural Adjustment Act__, rural electrification__, and Social Security__.

__SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development economically, socially, and politically.
__a. Describe the impact of events leading up to American involvement in World War II; include Lend-Lease__ and the bombing of Pearl Harbor__.
b. Evaluate the importance of Bell Aircraft__, military bases__, the Savannah and Brunswick shipyards__, Richard Russell__, and Carl Vinson__.
__c. Explain the impact of the Holocaust on Georgians.
__d. Discuss President Roosevelt’s ties to Georgia including his visits to Warm Springs and his impact on the state.__

__SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from 1945 to 1970.
__a. Analyze the impact of the transformation of agriculture on Georgia’s growth.
__b. Explain how the development of Atlanta, including the roles of mayors William B. Hartsfield__ and Ivan Allen, Jr__., and major league sports__, contributed to the growth of Georgia.
__c. Discuss the impact of Ellis Arnall.

__SS8H11 The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement.
__a. Describe major developments in civil rights and Georgia’s role during the 1940s and 1950s; include the roles of Herman Talmadge__, Benjamin Mays__, the 1946 governor’s race and the end of the white primary__, Brown v. Board of Education__, Martin Luther King, Jr__., and the 1956 state flag__.
__b. Analyze the role Georgia and prominent Georgians played in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s; include such events as the founding of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)___, Sibley Commission__, admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to the University of Georgia__, Albany Movement__, March on Washington__, Civil Rights Act__, the election of Maynard Jackson as mayor of Atlanta__, and the role of Lester Maddox__.
__c. Discuss the impact of Andrew Young on Georgia.

__SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and political developments in Georgia since 1970.
___a. Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.
__b. Describe the role of Jimmy Carter in Georgia as state senator, governor, president, and past president.
__c. Analyze the impact of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia.
__d. Evaluate the effect of the 1996 Olympic Games on Georgia.
__e. Evaluate the importance of new immigrant communities to the growth and economy of Georgia.

Geographic Understandings
__SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
__a. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemispheres.
__b. Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains__, Valley and Ridge__, Appalachian Plateau__, Piedmont__, and Coastal Plain__.
__c. Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia; include the Fall Line__, Okefenokee Swamp__, Appalachian Mountains__, Chattahoochee and Savannah Rivers__, and barrier islands__.
__d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development.

__SS8G2 The student will explain how the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, and Georgia’s deepwater ports, and the railroads help drive the state’s economy.
__a. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide domestic and international goods to the people of Georgia.
__b. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide producers and service providers in Georgia with national and international markets.
__c. Explain how the four transportation systems provide jobs for Georgians.

Government/Civic Understandings
__SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
__a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.
__b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.
__c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
__d. Explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia.
__e. Explain the role of political parties in government.
__f. Identify wisdom, justice, and moderation as the three principles of the Pledge of Allegiance to the Georgia Flag.

__S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state government.
__a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly.
__b. Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the committee system.
__c. Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body for the state of Georgia.

__SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state government.
__a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor__ and lieutenant governor__.
__b. Describe the organization of the executive branch,__ with emphasis on major policy areas of state programs; include education__, human resources__, public safety__, transportation__, economic development__, and natural resources__.
__c. Evaluate how the executive branch fulfills its role through state agencies that administer programs and enforce laws.

__ SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state government.
__a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia including trial__ and appellate__ procedures and how judges are selected__.
__b. Explain the difference between criminal law__ and civil law__.
__c. Describe the adult justice system__, emphasizing the different jurisdictions__, terminology__, and steps in the criminal justice process__.
__d. Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully__.
__e. Evaluate how the judicial branch fulfills its role in interpreting the laws of Georgia and ensuring justice in our legal system.

__SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
___a. Explain the origins, functions, purposes, and differences of county and city governments in Georgia.
__b. Compare and contrast the weak mayor-council__, the strong mayor-council__, and the council-manager forms of city government__.
__c. Describe the functions of special-purpose governments.
__d. Evaluate the role of local government working with state agencies to administer state programs.

__SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
__a. Explain the difference between delinquent behavior__ and unruly behavior__ and the consequences of each
__b. Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody.
__c. Describe the juvenile justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions__, terminology__, and steps in the juvenile justice process__.
__d. Explain the seven delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult criminal process, how the decision to transfer to adult court is made__, and the possible consequences__.

Economic Understandings
__SS8E1 The student will give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced
in Georgia in different historical periods.

__SS8E2 The student will explain the benefits of free trade.
__a. Describe how Georgians have engaged in trade in different historical time periods.
__b. Explain how the four transportation systems from SS8G2 contribute to Georgia’s role in trade.

__SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and
__a. Define profit and describe how profit is an incentive for entrepreneurs.
__b. Explain how entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business.
__c. Evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in Georgia who developed such enterprises as Coca-Cola__, Delta Airlines__, Georgia-Pacific__, and Home Depot__.

__SS8E4 The student will identify revenue sources for and services provided by state and
local governments.
__a. Trace sources of state revenue such as sales taxes__, federal grants__, personal income taxes__, and property taxes__.
__b. Explain the distribution of state revenue to provide services.
__c. Evaluate how choices are made given the limited revenues of state and local governments.

__SS8E5 The student will explain personal money management choices in terms of
income, spending, credit, saving, and investing.

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